Friday, 8 April 2016

SHT - 1 - Hygienic Production of Milk and Milk Products

Training Type - Short Term Training,
Clientele Group - Kudumbasree/SHG Members,
Duration - 3 Days,
Coordinator - Dr. M N Vasudevan, Lecturer - Animal Husbandry.

Training successfully conducted at Extension Training Center, Mannuthy Campus From 2016 April 06 to 2016 April 08. The Details of the Training is Given Below.
Sl No
Production of Value added products from milk and Marketing
Smt. Shalini Gopinath
Academic Consultant, College of Diary Science and Technology, Mannuthy
Modern  Technologies in Dairy Development
Dr. Deepak Mathew, Asst Professor, Veterinary College, Mannuthy
Deceases and Immunization of Cows
Dr. Justin Davis, Asst Professor, Veterinary College, Mannuthy
Dairy Farm Visit
Narayanan Nambuthiri, Anthikkad
Hygienic Milk Production, Scientific approach in shelter making and Dieting to Cows
Dr. Deepak Mathew, Asst Professor, Veterinary College, Mannuthy
Production of Milk Products, Visit of Diary Plant
Smt. Shalini Gopinath
Academic Consultant, College of Diary Science and Technology, M
Total Participants - 36
Women Participants - 25

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